Thursday, June 20, 2013

The United State of America-The American Government-Part II-Run For Office?

Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States of America, I type before you a new stance, but a sincere backup of my former print up of my last publication here on View Blog. As you well know, our parties, both Republicans and Democrats aren't faring too well in these times of crisis as is not the President either. Bother parties, regardless of what state they hail from including the President have lost all focus on what is actually needed to be done or shall I say undone, but now it may be a bit too late for some things. The reason I say this about the parties, are this; one, the Democrats and the Republicans used to be great for this country at one time up until about 1954. The, when President Eisenhower took office, you wouldn't think it, but things started a downhill trend ever since. More money started getting spent, Government started getting bigger, things in the US Government started going to excess and getting wasted. It really started to get bad in the early 1970s. Our national deficit jumped in the last 5 years from $12,000,000,000,000.00 to almost $17trillion dollars because he thought he could do something in theory on paper. Now, your paying three times for the cost for the "Healthcare Reform Bill." You have to still pay Social Security, you have to buy the insurance plan(plus pay for it even after buying the plan. Then, there is the Medical Tax your going to get hit with. It wasn't all President Obama who started this idea. It was Former President Bill Clinton who wanted to do this but was voted down many times when he tried more than once to get it passed. Here's the kicker or shall I say the punchline: I'm not rascist, but Congress and the Senate are, so here is what they said word for word: "We can pass this bill because we have a black President in office." Anything goes wrong, we'll blame him." Sound familiar? They wouldn't do that to Former Pres. Clinton, but they are trying to do it to Pres. Obama. Now, I know what your going to say first thing, "It's only politics." No, it's not. It's criminal. The scandals going on in D.C. are not scandals, they are criminal activities run by the Obama Administration and the President say the least who left our own people to die out in the field of battle on 9/11 after hanging up on them 3 hours and a half hours into the attack while they were being attacked in the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Then he phoned air support which was 47 minutes away and ordered them to stand down. The consulate was being attacked by al qaeda, Hezbollah, al Fayadh(a branch of al qaeda),and others. Yet, all namesakes of all terrorists were stricken from the records. Now comes another question. What happened to the people who sold weapons to the drug cartels in Mexico, then got caught? Agents of the ATF, FBI, and the man giving the standing orders once again was--you guessed it- Eric Holder. Now, once again, his name appears in several incidents of criminal activities. Well America, do you want to keep up this trend, or do you wish to see a change? I'm not talking "change" like every last President has said, as in their idea of change. To them, change was only a word that got them voted in. If I were to run, I would not do it unless I had you on my side. I need you. You would be a part of running this country with me so we can grab this country by the horns like a bull, and do a complete 180, and kick it, in order to move it out of that "puddle of stinking stagnant water" that we have been in for over 35 years now. No, I'm not talking about stripping you of more rights or privileges, I'm talking about asking you to help evaluate Congress and the Senate's job performance once a year when I decree they no longer can vote themselves a hefty pay raise each year. That's just one of the things I'm mentioning here. I really would like your input here. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. If you would, at least give me an honest constructive thought or opinion about what you read here today. Thank you again, Jack "Iron Man" Smith

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